The Best Resistance Band Routine
In the past, resistance bands have gotten a bad name in gym circuits through their association with middle-aged women doing aerobics with 5 pounds of resistance—not that there's anything wrong with that—but the truth is that bands can be worked for serious strength training, too.
Advantages Of Resistance Bands
The mechanical advantage to resistance bands is priceless, as true resistance is maintained through every part of a motion.
While resistance training, the muscles are prevented from "maxing out," but are nevertheless fully activated throughout both the concentric (lifting) part and eccentric (lowering) part of an exercise. This leads to better range of motion, overall strength, total burn, and even cardio if you go for long sets with little rest or try supersets.
Plus, resistance bands are a snap to store!
Chest Exercises With Resistance Bands
Exercise 1: Bench Press
For this, you will need a bench of some sort. Secure the band under a rear leg of the bench, nearest your head. Lie down on the bench and press up like you would during a barbell bench press.
Exercise 2: Cross-Over
Secure the band around a stationary post. Stand facing away from the post with arms raised to sides, palms forward. Then, step forward for tension. Keeping your arms straight, bring them across your chest as with a standard cable cross-over.
Exercise 3: Curl
Stand on the band with both legs, feet shoulder-width apart or closer. Holding the handles palms up, curl as you would with dumbbells.
Exercise 4: Triceps Extension
Again, stand on the band with both legs, feet shoulder-width apart or closer. Holding the handles with your arms overhead and elbows bent (hands are now behind your head), extend your arms as you would with a regular triceps extension.
Exercise 5: Skullcrusher
Set up the band as you did with the bench press. Point your elbows forward and up, and perform skullcrushers as you would with a barbell.
Shoulder Exercises With Resistance Bands
Exercise 1: Shoulder Press
Stand on the band with your feet together. Hold handles at shoulder height with palms facing up. Press upward as you would during a dumbbell press.
Exercise 2: Lateral Raise
Stand on the band so tension begins with your arms at your sides. Keeping your arms straight, raise your arms out to your sides until they are parallel with the floor.
Exercise 3: Upright Row
Stand on the band so tension begins with your arms at your sides. Pull upward, toward your collar bone area, as you would with a barbell upright row.
Upper-Back Exercises With Resistance Bands
Exercise 1: Row
Fix the band around a stationary post (or your feet). Sitting down with your feet extended in front of you, pull back as you would with a cable row.
Exercise 2: Back Fly
Fix the band around a stationary post. Stand back so tension begins with your arms raised in front of you. Keeping your arms straight and feet planted, fly your hands backward so that they are fully extended out. Your body should be T-shaped.
Lower-Back Exercise With Resistance Bands
Exercise 1: Good Morning
Stand on the band and hold the handles with your hands clasped behind your neck. Keeping your legs straight or slightly bent, slowly lean forward at the waist until your torso is parallel to the ground. In a controlled manner, straighten back up again.
Quad Exercise With Resistance Bands
Exercise 1: Squat
Stand on the bands in a squat position with the handles by your shoulders. Squat in a controlled manner, just as you'd perform a barbell squat.
Calf Exercise With Resistance Bands
Exercise 1: Calf Raise
Stand on the band with your toes, keeping your hands by your shoulders. Rise onto your toes as you would with a barbell calf raise.
Ab Exercise With Resistance Bands
Exercise 1: Weighted Sit-Up
If you have a decline bench, you can fix the band around the base of the bench and perform decline sit-ups while holding onto the handles. Otherwise, fix the band around a stationary post and lie on the floor facing away from the post. Holding the handles by your head, perform sit-ups or crunches.
The Routine
Using the exercises given above, you can set up a workout routine like the ones below:
Warm up, use an appropriate tension, and keep about a one-minute rest between sets. The routine can be tailored to fit your schedule and training preferences, changing the sets and frequency as you please.
I wouldn't alter the rep range too much, though, as resistance bands aren't as optimal for very low rep sets, and much higher rep ranges are less effective.
Benefits Of Resistance Band Training
As with any exercise routine, resistance bands will increase the strength of your muscles and stimulate growth. What they will also do is hit the full range of motion, working many parts of a muscle often underworked when using free weights.
For anyone who needs a way to work out on vacation, periodically can't get to the gym, or wants something extra to add to their regular workout, resistance bands are well worth their extremely low cost!